Points To Consider Before You Buy Professional Sous Vide Equipment

The Word “Sous Vide” literally means “under vacuum” in French; so it is no surprise that this cooking method was made popular by Mr. Georges Pralus in his “Restaurant Troisgros” in Roanne, France. Though the principle was discovered much earlier in 1799 and later used in the food preservation industry from the 1960s, Sous Vide cooking became popular much later. It is the process of sealing the food in a vacuumed plastic bag and slow-cooking it in water brought to the exact temperature fit for the food. The process usually takes longer than normal cooking time, but the resulting dish retains all its nutritional value, taste and aroma while being completely edible.

As you can see, Sous Vide cooking requires special knowledge and utensils. So, what to consider when you want to buy professional Sous Vide equipment is a important aspect here. Please refer the following points in the matter.

Capacity of the Water Bath

As water is the main cooking medium, the equipment holding it is important. Currently, the commercially available containers have water capacity in the range between 5 to 120 litres. The important point to note is the free space between the food pouches to allow the water to circulate. Also, consider the space for the water pump and overall capacity of the equipment.

Water Container

These are the sealed cooking containers, where food can be kept immersed for slow-cooking, sometimes up to 18 hours. For such long hours, the sealed water containers have self-contained systems wherein there are lesser evaporation and power wastage.

Stability of Temperature

The temperature difference of even 1°C can make a difference in Sous Vide cooking, so checking the stability of water temperature maintenance is of prime importance. The best types of equipment of this category have a temperature variance of 0.05°C only. Machines such as immersion circulators have good control over this aspect with precision electronic equipment in them.

Equipment Size

Before you buy professional Sous Vide equipment, considering your overall kitchen space is a good idea. All-in-one water baths tend to be bulky and require a lot of space, while the smaller immersion controllers can be used with any conventional containers.


The wattage of the Sous Vide equipment determines the time required to heat up the water to the desired cooking temperatures. Thus, higher wattage saves some cooking time but takes up more power.

Safety Features

Another important consideration is the safety features on the equipment. During long cooking hours, the water in the container evaporates; but it is essential for the food bags to be completely immersed in water at all times.  Thus, good Sous Vide equipment have built-in warning system or shutdown capabilities on over-evaporation of water. Also, protective shields are provided to keep the plastic food pouches separate from the heating coils and circulating pump.

Thus, before you go ahead and buy professional Sous Vide equipment, considering the above features like the water bath capacity and size in your choice will prevent later complications. Also, safety features are important as the Sous Vide cooking process depends on the observance of proper procedures and techniques, along with maintaining uniform water temperature for the entire cooking period.