Get Rid Of Cellulite Permanently With Experts!

Cellulite refers to the appearance of textural irregularities in the form of dumplings that most women have in the regions of their buttocks, thighs and abdomen. Many experts in the field of dermatology and cosmetic surgery explain that a number of factors are responsible for the development of this condition. They point out that in many patients increase in fatty tissue, disruption in the lymphatic drainage, estrogen, the layers of epidermis becoming thin or long-term inflammation are the primary causes. However, they say it is possible for such individuals to get rid of this ‘cottage cheese’ like subcutaneous fat deposits through non-invasive body-contouring procedures.

Why choose this clinic?

Sono Bello is a leading cosmetic surgery clinic in the United States that is a cut above the rest when it comes to offering innovative non-invasive body-contouring procedure to reduce cellulite effectively. In fact, people who have browse through the positive Sono Bello Reviews from previous patients will come to know the immense popularity of two effectual treatments,Venus Freeze and Venus Legacy. This prominent healthcare centre has branches in over 32 locations across the country and it employs over 100 board certified cosmetic and facial plastic surgeons. Each of these medical practitioners has a reputation of being the most-after professional in his/her field of cosmetic surgery. They are responsible for conducting 10,000 successful body-transformation procedures that have been a catalyst in altering the lives of their patients for the better.

Why treat cellulite?

The experts of this prominent cosmetic surgery clinic explain that while cellulite in a natural occurrence in women after a certain age, the condition can have an adverse affect on their self-esteem. Moreover, the subcutaneous fat deposits that occur in undesirable areas of their bodies can also a negative impact on their aesthetic self-image. They go on to explain that it is possible for such individuals to reduce that appearance of this condition by modifying their lifestyles. For this, they need to exercise regularly in order to maintain a healthy body weight, eat a healthy diet, increase their intake of fluids, get adequate rest and give up smoking.

Non-invasive body contouring procedures

With the advance in technology in the field of cosmetic surgery many non-invasive body-contouring procedure have come into prominence for their effectiveness eradicating cellulite in women. Of these treatments, medical practitioners prefer to use the following to techniques to achieve the results their patients’ desire:

  • Ultrasound and magnetic pulse

In this non-invasive body-contouring procedure to reduce cellulite from the patient’s body, the doctors use a device that emits sound waves. He applies this gadget to disrupt the accumulation of these subcutaneous fat deposits in various undesirable areas. This causes such cells melt and liquefy with time. The experts than use an apparatus that help tighten the skin such region and promote the growth of collagen tissues.

  • Radio frequency

In this case, the medical practitioner employs a device that emits a heat energy that melts the subcutaneous fat deposits in the patient’s body and destroys them.

People who want to undergo such non-invasive body-contouring procedures to eliminate cellulite, just need to read the positive Sono Bello Reviews to why this clinic’s treatments are so popular.