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What Happens When You Quit Caffeine?

There are many people who are addicted to caffeine and it is a real disorder. Just like any addiction, caffeine addiction can often become serious and spiral out of control real soon. There are ways to know if you are addicted to caffeine and there are some sure shot symptoms of caffeine addiction.

Some of the very common symptoms are feeling fatigued all the time, having headaches, feeling constipated and an anxious feeling throughout the day. There are many people who cannot just go without a cup of caffeine. Although caffeine is accepted to be safe for consumption in moderation, there are some solid benefits of quitting the habit.

If you are a slave to your coffee mug, it is high time you realise the bad effects caffeine is having on you and your health. With a multitude of options to replace the usual caffeine, quitting caffeine is not an impossible or difficult task. The whole lot of benefits it brings is surely worth the effort. Once you start noticing the changes in you after you quit caffeine, you will never want to touch the thing again.

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